Let’s start on a positive note…since my last post, we’ve had as much light, hot water and internet access as we’ve wanted and I have continued to be amazed with every outing at how much beauty surrounds us here. I’ve also enjoyed a girls’ night out to the movies with three new friends, celebrated two birthdays with new friends, visited some really neat handmade markets over the weekend, and attended another amazing Hillsong service this past Sunday. It’s also several days closer to my Dad’s arrival since I last posted, and that’s a major plus.
the bad…
I don’t want to negate the positives by sharing about the bad, but I do want to be honest about our journey and I’m hoping that by doing so you all can continue to be in prayer for us. I know, without a doubt, that your prayers have really helped us thus far. So…the last three days have been gray, rainy, and chilly. As a result, we’ve been inside lots more than before and we’re beginning to get
the just plain ugly…
It’s a yucky cycle, really. E is restless and cranky…I am stressed….E falls off of the bed while jumping, I am more stressed. I am more stressed…E is more restless and cranky. It’s amazing what and how much kids can sense from you, isn’t it? Anyways, over the last couple of days I’ve really struggled. I’ve felt very, very lousy at this Mommy-thing due to my short-temper and lack of patience.
So…that being said, or typed, would you all please pray that we’ll have nothing but beautiful sunny days from here on out? Nah…I’m just kidding…I know that I’ve got to learn to have patience despite the weather or circumstances around me. Would you please, please pray that God will give me the patience that I need for sunny or rainy days?
I really appreciate it and I really hope all of you back home are enjoying your beautiful sunny days…(eye roll) ;-)

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