Tuesday, April 12, 2011

sisters & tables

Interesting combination, huh? Actually, it's the make-up of my favorite Sister-to-Sister event that our ladies' group at church holds each year...our table decorating contest! We call it a contest, but everyone wins some category for their table. It's really our excuse to get together for some good girl talk, food and worship. This year was probably the most fun yet and I think everyone did a really great job on their tables! My table was filled with some of my most favorite people who are very dear to me. Here are some pics!

How Sweet It is To Be Loved By You~ Margo B.
There's No Place Like Home~ Jean H.
Sweet Jesus~ Paige & Teika
Citrus Breeze~ Terry R.
Mardi Gras~ Pat R.
"Down to Earth" was the name of my table this year. I was really happy with the finished product considering that I purchased almost all of my supplies at the Dollar Tree, tie-dyed the table cloth myself, and gathered odds & ends from around the house to create it.

Ken & I
Sweet Maw-Maw, Debbie & Ken
Marjorie & Annie~ My Priceless Great-Aunts
Angie & Melinda


  1. Hey Summer. Debbie tells me about this event each year. The tables always sound so interesting. I'm glad to be able to see them in this blog. Debbie told me that you had the winning table this year...it is beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Susan

  2. Thanks, Susan. It's always a lot of fun. I think Debbie has always wanted to try it at the Cherryville church. I'm sure the ladies would love it! Hope you and your family are doing well! Your grandbaby is precious!
