Sunday, October 30, 2011

new project...

Lately, I've been spending some time getting re-acquainted with crocheting. I haven't worked on anything since last winter, so it's taken a bit of time to get in the groove again. My first goal for this year was to learn to crochet a hat of some sort. Eventually, I'd like to learn how to crochet many different hats, but I've tried to stick to a realistic goal for now. I've got lots of colors and patterns in mind for more of these and can hardly wait to get started on them. I've just got to find some time, tweek a few things that I learned the hard way with this one, and get a LOT faster.


  1. Summer, I'd love for you to show me how to do that...I know how to crochet, but it's always hard to follow a pattern. Such a cute hat!

  2. Thanks, Les! Maybe we'll have a GNO of crocheting. Suz wants to learn too :)
